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Aquired: December 2022 as Christmas present

Favorite song: Restless Heart Syndrome

This is my second favorite Green Day album. American Idiot is my favorite, and I like how this one sounds similar to it, but nothing can outcompete American Idiot. A cynical person (of which I often am) would probably say that they're just trying to recreate American Idiot to also imitate it's sucess, like creating an unplanned movie sequel. Maybe that's so, but I want to belive that they were genuinely inspired to keep with American Idiot's sound while creating something new and original. Keeping my opinion in mind, I still compare them a lot because their similarites are undeniable. The two albums share similar themes, sounds, and tracking. They're both about the degredation of American society post-9/11 in a concept album form, they both have very grand rock-opera sounds, and they're both structured to be set up in movements so the album story moves like chapters in a book. But these similarites are what makes me like it so much!